The first
Research Intelligence solution
Make research fun again with lightning-fast solutions that eliminate many of the painful, error-prone manual processes!
Companies using DataTile
Liberate your business
with lightning-fast intelligence
Combining awesome analysis, interactivity and speed, DataTile empowers you to go from data to decisions in minutes. It’s automated every step of the way — so goodbye tedious manual processing, hello huge time savings.
Collaborate and harness
the power of many minds
Creating synergy on a secure portal, DataTile unites all project stakeholders and areas of research expertise. Invite clients to collaborate, elevating you from a supplier to a partner!
Create powerful visual knowledge instantly
Interactive dashboards with beautiful visualizations bring clarity that delivers insights. DataTile provides the freedom to explore, experiment and discover the deeper picture. You can deliver results in every major format — charts, reports, dashboards, embedded, API...
Unrivalled speed with data integrity guaranteed
DataTile can analyze hundreds – or millions – of respondents in seconds, securely. End-to-end automation means huge gains in time efficiency and profitability. Data integrity and security at every step enhances productivity and protects your reputation.